The rules governing lawyers in Indiana prohibit us from taking the first steps to contact accident victims after a wreck..we have to wait 30 days before we try to help you. But, the insurance company can contact you immediately, taking advantage of you during your pain.
Insurance companies like taking recorded statements from accident victims, and, often ask to do so before an injured person has had time to speak with an attorney. I will talk with you by phone or in my office at no cost for an initial consultation, and if you call me i will probably recommend that you don't give a statement to an adjuster -- why? Because I see too many "insurance company statements" that turn out to be more the statement of the adjuster than of the injured person.
Don't be misled in a recording with statements like "would you agree with me" or "it sounds like maybe you could have done something to avoid the crash", or "I'm sure that my insured is sorry this happened but feels he really did not do anything wrong---would you agee?"
If an insurance adjuster wants to see you, talk to you, or record a statement from you before you talk to a lawyer, be very cautions --- I recommend that you don't. Call me first. Your first consultation and my advice is FREE. If you want me to represent you, you pay no fee unless I win your case!
Don't be led to say things you cannot undo once it is on "tape". Call 800-468-8736 TOFAUTE & SPELMAN first.
If you need a Terre Haute attorney, or Vincennes, Lafayette, Kokomo, Evansville, Bloomington, Indianapolis, Indiana, we are lawyers helping accident victims. We also have offices in Danville, Illinois and surrounding areas.
If you need a Terre Haute attorney, or Vincennes, Lafayette, Kokomo, Evansville, Bloomington, Indianapolis, Indiana, we are lawyers helping accident victims. We also have offices in Danville, Illinois and surrounding areas.